Community and Healthcare Partners
It takes support from all of us to help our communities.
Nancy has helped hospitals and physician groups to churches, schools and prisons.
Our program has helped these organizations reach quite rates over 50%. We are also proud to report one year quit and reduction rates combined to be over 90%.
We have provided our course content and teaching expertise to hospitals as part of their community outreach. We have taught inside juvenile detention centers. We have consulted state health agencies on how to improve their outreach in tobacco prevention.
We understand marginalized groups and how tobacco companies have targeted them.
We understand what works AND we know how to connect with these groups.
The Quit with Nancy™ Tobacco Cessation Program consistently achieves quit rates of 50% in our community programs! Our participants’ follow-up surveys at one year verify combined quit and reduction rates over 90%.
Our quit rates meet and even exceed the top tobacco treatment clinics in the country. No other program has such consistent, high rates of success. Our participants rate this program as excellent!
Reaching out to the Medicaid, Mental Health, Drug, and Alcohol Dependency Populations
- 32.6% of Medicaid recipients in the US smoke vs. 19.8% in the overall adult population.
- 10 to 20% of all state Medicaid program costs, totaling more than 30 billion a year, are spent on smoking-related illnesses and diseases.
- 42% of all cigarettes smoked in the US are consumed by individuals with a current mental illness.
- Among those who seek treatment for drug and alcohol problems, 80% smoke.
Reaching out to the Dept of Corrections, Drug Courts, and Juvenile Detention Centers
- Tobacco is integrally bound up in the prison culture. Although tobacco is banned at many correctional facilities, prisoners report that tobacco serves as currency in exchange for goods, paying debts and gambling.
- From our experience teaching tobacco education in juvenile detention centers, most teens report a daily use of tobacco products outside of incarceration.
Reaching out to Youth
- Teens who smoke are more likely to try much stronger drugs, including marijuana, cocaine and heavy alcohol drinking.
- 95% of high school seniors who smoke have tried illicit drugs-only 27% of non-smokers have tried illicit drugs.
- Children of smokers are more likely to have behavior problems such as conduct disorder, attention deficit disorder and oppositional defiant disorder.
Reaching out to the Military Community
- About 50% of soldiers deployed to Iraq return addicted to tobacco.
- On average, the use of tobacco will deprive those soldiers of 10 to 14 years of life and for many, poor health will compromise the quality of those years.
Reaching out to the LBGT (Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay, Transgender) Community
- The LGBT estimated rate of smoking is twice that of heterosexuals in similar geographic and socioeconomic circumstances.
- Smoking rates among LGBT youth are estimated to be considerably higher (38% to 59%) than rates among heterosexual youth (28% to 35%).
Reaching out to the Elderly
- All the major causes of death in the elderly are associated with smoking or secondhand smoke—cancer, heart disease and stroke. These diseases usually cause months and years of suffering.
- Research shows that smoking is related to health problems generally associated with aging, such as vision and hearing loss, oral health problems, impotence, wrinkles, dementia and Alzheimer’s.
- Stopping smoking results in improvement in health status at any age including the elderly.
Reaching out to the Rural Communities
- The tobacco industry targets rural populations through advertisement and sponsorship of rural events such as rodeos and sports activities.
- Combined with lower access to disease prevention services and health care, this makes rural populations extremely vulnerable to tobacco related diseases.
Our Mission is to reach our to populations experiencing tobacco-related disparities. Some of the factors that contribute to higher smoking rates in certain populations are education level, ethnicity, income, lifestyle and lack of access to service. We work with our community and healthcare partners to deliver tobacco cessation education that helps these populations lead healthier lifestyles, prevent dangerous and lifelong health issues, and reduce costs and lifestyle restrictions caused by tobacco and vape use and nicotine addiction.
About The Program
Tobacco addiction is classified as a chronic relapsing addictive disorder. That’s why sustainable, positive outcomes can only be achieved when support is available as needed over time. Across America, companies are offering various forms of tobacco cessation programs; by choosing the Quit With Nancy™ Tobacco Cessation Program©, you’ve demonstrated an understanding of the significant health costs associated with tobacco use and the desire to address this chronic problem.
Our high success is based on our critical program components.
- In-depth content teaches addiction science in an engaging, user-friendly format.
- Home-based education allows for course completion at the individual’s own pace.
- Education on appropriate over-the-counter quit aids and prescription medications increase the likelihood to seek medical provider assistance.
- Access to learning videos from a DVD, tablet, PC, Phone or any smart device makes learning easy.
- Proprietary motivational teaching style has proven to increase the desire to quit.
Program Options and Partnerships
Community License Option
We work with healthcare providers, hospital systems and community organizations to provide our content via our online course to targeted populations.
Facilitated Programs
We can train facilitators and health educators to deliver our programs in-person or via telephonic coaching along with our online course content.
Consulting and Training
Have a question about your program? Our team has probably seen it and solved it. We have been at the forefront of the community health for over two decades.
Hear it from the Experts
“What I love about this program is that individuals learn in a safe, supportive classroom environment, all the resources available to help them end their addiction to tobacco. I’ve been extremely impressed with the success rate my patients have had through the Quit with Nancy™ Program©."
"Nancy trained at the Mayo Clinic’s Nicotine Dependence Center and has taught over 14,000 tobacco users. She is a true expert in tobacco cessation! As an ex-smoker, Nancy has designed this program in a manner that tobacco users understand. The success rate this program has is something I’ve never seen in all my years of practicing medicine."
"Nancy's teaching style is very direct and very compassionate at the same time. People really get that caring even through the videos."
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions About the Course
What if I am not ready to quit?
One great thing about the Quit with Nancy™ Program© is that if you are like the thousands of other participants who have taken this program, you will feel an increase in your desire to reduce and quit tobacco. A lot of people say they wish they “wanted to quit” but they really like tobacco and are having a hard time sincerely wanting to quit. If you feel this way, be assured this is normal, and this program is really good at helping you get to the point where you WANT to quit. We will help you raise your motivation level, no matter where you are now. Nancy doesn’t focus on WHY you should quit, (you probably already know WHY), Nancy focuses on HOW to quit.
Is it boring?
Not according to the evaluations and testimonials of 16,000 tobacco users who have taken it! They rate it as excellent in every category. Nancy’s creative use of stories, analogies, animation, and technology engage the viewer in an educational experience that is entertaining and most of all…empowering. Human physiology and addiction can be complicated. This program empowers tobacco users by making the subject of tobacco cessation and cutting-edge treatment easy to understand. Guaranteed; it’s not the same old blah-blah-blah you’ve already heard that has been no help at all.
Most programs for tobacco users who want to quit are either phone counseling or online text-based programs requiring extensive reading. Nancy’s program is the first comprehensive, effective tobacco cessation program presented in a video format.
Most people begin our program very discouraged and feel defeated and hopeless about quitting…they’ve tried, struggled and slipped. However, after they take Nancy’s program …they are so excited and realize they can quit with the right information…they’ve just never had the tools to quit. Even people who are reluctant to take the program end up loving it.
Do I have to use medicine?
No, you will learn about the medication options available and then choose which method is right for you. There are new recommendations of the successful ways to quit, new medicines, better and newer forms of nicotine. People come into the program saying “I’ve tried everything” but leave our program saying “no wonder I’ve never quit, I’ve never even heard most of this information!”
Why is it an 8-hour program?
As I’m sure you know, tobacco addiction is very difficult to overcome. A lot of people say it is as hard to quit as any other drug. For example, if someone tries to quit cold turkey…just put tobacco down and walk away from it … only about 2% of folks can do that and stick with it for good. Most can’t tolerate the withdrawal symptoms and go right back to smoking (or chewing) even though they really do want to quit. So wanting to quit is good but you have to know HOW to quit. You probably already know WHY to quit….it’s expensive, it’s unhealthy…we don’t need to convince you of that. You know all that. What you probably don’t know is HOW to quit using the most successful methods and that is what we are going to teach you.
Will the program help me stay tobacco-free for good?
The Mayo Clinic and the US Department of Health and Human Services describe tobacco addiction as a “chronic, relapsing, addictive disorder”. Tobacco addiction is acknowledged as one of the most difficult dependencies to conquer. If you have tried to quit and failed in the past, that is normal. Thousands of past participants have attested that this program finally made it possible for them to eliminate past barriers, access high-quality information, utilize it to its fullest and once and for all, quit for good!
What if I'm "on the fence?"
Just plunge on in. Trust the thousands of people who love this program and rate it as excellent. You will be incredibly grateful you did. Give yourself a chance with this program and see if it might help direct your life towards a healthier path. After watching Nancy’s video, you’ll probably have the best shot you’ve ever had in your life to quit.
If you’re “on the fence”, then you’re just like the majority of our participants. They took the leap of faith and are glad they did. Now it’s your turn.
Questions about Group Purchase Options
Why should I offer this to my employees?
Employees who are ready to learn about quitting will be ready to tackle Nancy’s program. We have worked with enough employees to understand how to motivate them.
How will I know if the program works?
We provide reports on participation, motivation change, quit and reduced-use rates for our corporate clients, all in a HIPAA compliant format.
I am not sure how many people will need this?
Our licensing program can be scaled for any size group, the cost goes down as the number of users goes up.
Is this program compliant with employee wellness regulations?
We have structured our program to be an approved reasonable alternative. We can work with your wellness team to ensure your program is compliant.
We already have a wellness program vendor?
We work with national wellness vendors and love being part of a comprehensive program. We can even white-label our course to match your current programming!
Contact Me
Ask a question or send us an email below. For emergencies, call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.